Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak

Penerapan Network Development Life Cycle dalam Perancangan Intranet untuk Mendukung Proses Pembelajaran

Abstracts: Network users on an organization's intranet and the company uses a LAN (Local Area Network) which usually already exist to connect multiple computers in an organization or company. LAN (Local Area Network) can only be accessed by members of the organization, employees, or others who are already in the authorization, STMIK Pontianak one of the universities based on information technology (IT) should consider implementing an intranet to process multimedia-based learning by using infrastructure intranet network technology in order to improve the quality of multimedia-based learning process by accessing the intranet network. Users of network technology today, especially students in downloading modules and upload lecture structured tasks, as well as lecturers upload modules structured lectures and download tasks collected by the students. STMIK Pontianak is one of the universities who study information technology, to support achievement of the college, is now deemed necessary to support media that provide good service, especially in terms of ease in the learning process, therefore it is necassary to design architecture that supports intranet multimedia-based learning process in the respective classes exist in STMIK Pontianak.


Keyword: Intranet, Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC), LAN, Download and Upload