Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak

Pembuatan Bisnis Toko Online Sebagai Peluang Usaha Menumbuhkan Pasar Global


Abstracts: Online business is the representation of a new business model for customers or customers. It enables the business transaction without being limited to the space and the time, provides the opportunities to build the business relationship without depending on the scales of previous business, and gives the guarantee of personalization to the customers intensively and interactively. Therefore, it can improve the values of customers' satisfaction through the service system of sales technology digitally. Online business can even improve small and medium enterprise nationally. This research aimed to produce software used to manage and run the online business of shoes. Therefore, customers' needs are easily fulfilled, and sales and market share are expanded to improve some business opportunities of global marketing. the design of online shoes business using a site model involves these stages : design specification through feasibilty studi, identification of customers' need of using the application, running system observation, and validation of needs. Online shoes business has a navigation feature providing easiness to visitors to search and order the goods and opportunities to build a more prosonal relationship with the visitior and continuous loyalty.


Keyword: Online business, Shoes, Business Opportunities, Global Marekts, Customers' Loyalty

Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By SANDY KOSASI